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Kasur Spring Bed Airland Chiropedic Platinum
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Rp 7.846.000
Free | s.d. 2 Bantal Airland Promo |
Free | s.d. 2 Guling Airland Promo |
Free | 1 Matras Protektor Airland |
Warna | Putih |
Merek | Airland |
Tebal Kasur | 28 cm |
Comfort Level | Extra Firm |
Garansi Pegas | 15 Tahun |
Sistem Pegas | Pocket Spring |
Comfort Layer | Tight Top |
Kain Pelapis | Aloe Vera Fabric |
Fitur Produk | Chiropedic System, Duo Feel, Extra Hard Padding, Extra Hard Pressure Foam, Organic Anti Dust Mites, Zipper System |
The Chiropedic Platinum Mattress is the ultimate in Healthy Sleep Technology. It provides the extra firmness of The Chiropedic "Spine Guard" System to achieve the perfect of support, The Chiropedic Platinum mattress is upholstered with the aloe vera fabric.
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