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Kasur Spring Bed King Koil Chiro Endorsed Euro Top
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Rp 11.338.000 Regular Price Rp 11.338.000
Extra | Cashback 160/180/200: Rp 300.000 |
Free | s.d. 2 Bantal King Koil |
Free | s.d. 2 Guling King Koil |
Free | 1 Matras Protektor King Koil |
Warna | Putih |
Merek | King Koil |
Ukuran Kasur | 100 x 200 |
Tebal Kasur | 35 cm |
Comfort Level | Firm |
Garansi Pegas | 10 Tahun |
Sistem Pegas | Auto Body Zoning with Honeycomb Pocket Coil System |
Comfort Layer | Euro Top |
Kain Pelapis | Belgium Knit Viscose |
Fitur Produk | Auto Response Coil, Breathable Support Foam, Duratech Fiber Coil Cover, Superior Anti Slip Fabric, Ventilated Comfort Edge, Vi-Guard Technology |
King Koil® longtime commitment has granted its honorable recognition by the International Chiropractors Association (ICA) for its ability in providing the best backbone support mattresses. The Comfort Euro top with the Breathable Support Foam spoils your body, as the Auto Response HD Gold Coil™ in its Auto Body-Zoning System™ lets your spine comfortably rest in its natural contour. Provide the best support for your sine in the care of the revitalizing Chiro Endorsed™.
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