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Kasur Spring Bed King Koil World Endorsed
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Rp 16.315.000 Regular Price Rp 16.315.000
Extra | Cashback 160/180: Rp 500.000 |
Free | s.d. 2 Bantal King Koil |
Free | s.d. 2 Guling King Koil |
Free | 1 Matras Protektor King Koil |
Warna | Putih |
Merek | King Koil |
Ukuran Kasur | 100 x 200 |
Tebal Kasur | 37 cm |
Comfort Level | Medium Firm |
Garansi Pegas | 10 Tahun |
Sistem Pegas | Auto Body Zoning with Honeycomb Pocket Coil System |
Comfort Layer | Pillow Top |
Kain Pelapis | Belgium Knit Viscose |
Fitur Produk | Auto Response Coil, Breathable Support Foam, Duratech Fiber Coil Cover, Natural Talalay Latex, Superior Anti Slip Fabric, Ventilated Comfort Edge, Vi-Guard Technology |
Providing sleeping indulgences in more than 80 countries around the world, King Koil® has become the world icon for good nigt sleep. Equipped with the Natural Talalay® Latex layers inside the King Koil® Pillow Top® and coveres with Belgium Knit Viscose on the top surface, the World Endorsed™ brings comfort to your bedroom. The Auto Body-Zoning System™ delivers the perfect companion for its comfort features, making the World Endorsed™ the perfect mattress to fully indulge in King Koil®'s world.
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